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RS Reject Sheet Selector is used to work with an SPS High Speed Fully Automatic Cylinder Screen Printing Machine, run synchronously linked, diverts the normal printed / abnormal print-rejected sheets (saves time with no post sorting), further highlights German SPS’s lineage classic advantages: highest ever run speed, printing accuracy, user friendly operation convenience and comfort.

  • Added after a SPS Cylinder Screen Printing Machine, before a Dryer.

  • Selects sheets delivered from Screen Printing Machine: those printed are delivered to Dryer after, those skipped by the no-print function of the press or rejected are diverted out and collected.

  • Speed matches screen printing machine ahead, max. 4000 cycle/h x1(single-flow) = 4000 p/h, x2(twin-flow) = 8000 p/h. (max. sheet: single-flow 750x1100mm / 520x500mm x1, twin-flow 520x500mm x2).

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