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ATMAOE 1014 G7

Optoelectronic High Precision Four-Post Screen Printer

  • Semi-automatic or optional three-quarter automatic machine, with sliding (vacuum) table on high grade linear bearings. Designed for easy selection of ascending and descending lay-stops for 3-point substrate register. Optional rear or side take-off available.

  • Colored HMI digital touch screen panel provides user-friendly control functions to display, set parameters, and save and restore (100 groups), facilitating extremely short setup times.

  • Digitally adjustable squeegee pressure and squeegee pressure compensation assures consistent and uniform printing deposits.

  • Vertical frame lift by accurate and lockable 4-post system for even ink flow.

  • Safety devices with emergency-stop button, error diagnostics, and restoration systems.

  • Greater control over the screen printing process with an unobstructed view of important printing parameters such as off-contact, peel-off, squeegee / flood settings, ink well area and view of substrate.

Suitable for high precision screen printing on film/flat thin plate/glass, such as Touch Panel, Electroluminescent (EL), Light Guide Plate (LGP), Diffusive Panel, and much more.

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